Senator Brian Jones Pushing for Reopening of Houses of Worship

State Senator Brian Jones recently reached out to Governor Gavin Newsom, calling on him to reopen churches, synagogues, mosques, temples, and all other houses of worship.

He cites the work of Liberty Counsel, representing churches and churchgoers throughout the nation, which recently issued a memo compiling recent decisions overturning orders that shut down houses of worship.

“The government is not empowered to command under criminal or civil penalties religious worshippers when and how they should worship,” the memo states. Indeed, this sacred right preexisted government and therefore supersedes any dictates such government may issue. These rights are protected by both the Constitutions of the United States of America and every state constitution, and are also protected by federal and state laws.”

Jones hopes that elected officials in California will review the memo, and see the wisdom in lifting the shutdown order.

“Churches, like any ‘essential’ service are more than capable of planning for and observing CDC guidelines on social distancing and cleanliness.” Jones said. “As a protected right in the First Amendment to our Bill of Rights, religious facilities should have been deemed ‘essential’ in the first place and not required to close, however they should be among the first encouraged to re-open.”

Jones knows that allowing citizens to practice their freedom of religious assembly is the correct and compassionate thing to do. He implores Governor Newsom and other statewide elected officials to feel the same and act accordingly.