Assemblywoman Lorena Gonzalez Shamefully Tweets Profanity Directed at Tesla CEO Elon Musk

Assemblywoman Lorena Gonzalez tends to “go viral” on Twitter for one of two reasons: her controversial legislation or her insistence on aggressively using profanity. The latter, unfortunately, is the reason why many saw her discourse with Tesla CEO Elon Musk hitting headlines over the weekend.

Musk threatened to move Tesla out of California after public health officials refused to give Tesla the green light to begin the reopening process.

The entrepreneur had grown understandably frustrated with endless bureaucratic delay and malfeasance, which had singled out Tesla in not allowing the company to reopen while other manufacturers were permitted to.

But never missing a chance to jump into controversy, Assemblywoman Gonzalez took to Twitter with some choice words for Musk.

She got a good dose of backlash from the Twitter community for her provocative remark. “This is truly terrible seeing a Government official adopting a language like this,” said one user. Others were quick to call her out for being so openly offensive to a business owner, and attempting to demean him for exercising his right to free enterprise.

Upon seeing the distaste that many Twitter users expressed for her comment, Gonzalez attempted to walk it back with two subsequent tweets.

Musk, seemingly unfazed by her attempt to save face, offered a concise response to her initial tweet.

After the interaction, the Tesla CEO explained the situation further by replying to a tagged post, stating that he was “singled out” by the Alameda County government in a discriminatory manner.

Even President Donald Trump jumped in and came to Musk’s defense. 

Twitter certainly exemplifies the crossfire of opinions that need to be balanced when deciding when businesses should be allowed to begin the reopening process. It’s clear that many are growing eager to reopen as soon as possible—and for good reason. Elected officials like Assemblywoman Lorena Gonzalez must do better than brushing off their legitimate concerns off as “corporate greed” or some other misnomer.

Everyone wants to keep their employees safe and their businesses afloat in these difficult economic times. It’s essential that businesses and government work together during this crisis. The latest update to the saga came this morning, when it was announced that the government had relented, allowing Tesla to begin reopening.