President Donald Trump Takes Steps Towards Women’s Political Empowerment

The Trump Administration issued a Strategy on Women, Peace, and Security. This strategy sets out to increase women’s leadership in political and civic life — this strategy coincides with the Women, Peace, and Security Act signed by President Trump in 2017.

President Trump was the first to sign the legislation on this topic, making the United States the first country in the world with a comprehensive law on Women, Peace, and Security. The U.S. will help improve women’s participation in solving conflicts, countering violent extremism, and building peace and stability. When women are involved in peace negotiations, they are more likely to raise issues that help societies reconcile and recover. Research shows the peace agreements are more likely to succeed if women participate.

There are strong correlations between women’s empowerment and having higher stability in a country. The United States recognizes that societies that empower women economically and politically are far more stable and peaceful. The marginalization of women corresponds with the probability that a nation will experience conflict; 14 of the 17 lowest-scoring countries in the Index for Gender have endured an armed conflict in the last two decades.

The administration sets to promote the protection of women and support efforts that address women’s economic security, safety, and dignity. The U.S. plans to work with partner countries to remove barriers, laws, and regulations that impede women’s access to justice and participation in the peace and security process.