Judicial Watch Suing Governor Newsom over Plan to Give Financial Relief to Illegal Immigrants

Written by Michael Palomba

You may have seen a recent article in which we discussed the Center for American Liberty filing a petition against Governor Newsom’s aid to illegal immigrants. Well, Newsom just received some more bad news.

Judicial Watch has announced a federal lawsuit on behalf of taxpayers. The suit, which has been filed in the Superior Court of Los Angeles, asks the court to stop Newsom’s $75 million expenditure that would provide direct cash assistance to illegal aliens. 

Judicial Watch argues that Newsom violated federal law and overstepped his authority when he took executive action to assist illegals. The “Disaster Relief Assistance for Immigrants Project” would grant illegal aliens a $500 cash payment, with a household cap of $1,000.

That means that your hard-earned tax dollars are being given to criminals who broke federal law and illegally entered the country.

I am relieved that Judicial Watch and the Center for American Liberty are looking out for the best interests of the American people. Meanwhile, the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) is unbothered by the fact that American tax dollars are being awarded to criminal illegal aliens.

The ACLU has been busy, however. As of late, they are suing Immigrations and Customs Enforcement (ICE), demanding the release of “especially vulnerable” illegal aliens. The name “American Civil Liberties Union” implies that this particular organization would be working to protect the civil liberties of Americans, but they don’t appear to be concerned with that at all—and haven’t been for quite awhile. Rather than fighting for Americans, they seem to be fighting against them.

Regarding the lawsuit, Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton had this to say: “Governor Newsom has no legal authority on his own to spend state taxpayer money for cash payments to illegal aliens. The coronavirus challenge doesn’t give politicians a pass to violate the law. If California politicians want to give cash payments to illegal aliens, they must be accountable and transparent, and, as federal law requires, pass a law to do so.”

The lawsuit seeks to enjoin California “from providing $75 million of taxpayer funds to unlawfully present aliens in violation of federal law and expending an estimated additional $4.8 million of taxpayer funds as well as additional taxpayer-financed resources on the administration of those payments.”


Photo by Ben Taylor via Flickr