California Inexplicably Releases Seven Criminal Sex Offenders

Written by Nicholas Vetrisek

Days before Governor Newsom made it a crime to go to the beach in Orange County, the state released seven high-risk sex offenders because of the risk that they could contract the coronavirus. This is a situation that would be comical if it weren’t so disgusting and tragic.

Responding to the court decision, the Orange County District Attorney’s office issued a safety warning. “These kinds of high-risk sex offenders are the most dangerous kind of criminal and the most likely to re-offend,” the statement read. “They are doing everything they can to avoid detection by the parole officers assigned to monitor them so they can potentially commit additional sex offenses. These are not the kind of people who should be getting a break.”

According to the office, Court Commissioner Joseph Dane still chose to release the criminals despite the fact that they had attempted to tamper with their GPS monitoring devices.

The idea of releasing prisoners due to the coronavirus is already a hard sell because they’re incarcerated for a reason, but if their crimes are nonviolent then perhaps there’s an argument to be made for their release. However, the state has thus far chosen to release the worst elements of society. Whether it’s sex offenders or murderers, these are the types of people that should never be considered for early release, but nonetheless here they are—among law-abiding citizens.

These are the people that the State of California decided were fit for release into society:

  • Luis Joel Ramirez, who has a history of sexual battery, assault with a deadly weapon, resisting a peace officer, burglary and possessing a deadly weapon, and who prosecutors say has violated his parole four times since 2019.
  • James Franklin Bowling, who has a history of lewd conduct in public, repeated convictions for failing to register as a sex offender, repeated convictions for being a sex offender on school grounds, possession of a controlled substance and paraphernalia, and has allegedly violated parole twice since February.
  • Rudy William Grajeda Magdaleno, who has a history of child molestation, indecent exposure, assault, battery, criminal threats, and inflicting injury on an elder adult, and who prosecutors say has violated parole five times since 2017.
  • Calvin Curtis Coleman, who has a history of lewd conduct in a public place and has allegedly violated parole three times since 2019.
  • Kyle Albert Winton, who has a history of child molestation, criminal threats to cause great bodily injury or death, resisting a peace officer, DUI and hit and run with property damage, and has allegedly violated parole once.
  • Jose Adrian Oregel, who has a history of unlawful sexual intercourse with a minor, oral copulation of a person under the age of 18, infliction of great bodily injury, and being a second striker, and who prosecutors claim has violated parole six times since June of 2019.
  • Mario Ernesto Sandoval, who has a history of sexual battery, touching for sexual arousal, indecent exposure, and assault on a peace officer, and allegedly violated parole once this year.