Congressional Candidate Jim DeBello Participating in Two Live Forums Next Week

Written by Michael Palomba

Jim DeBello, candidate for the 52nd congressional district, has had a lot of experience with responding to major disease outbreaks. During the SARS epidemic in 2003, he was a CEO in China and one of the first executives to restrict company travel. In his own words, “I favor practical policies that balance public health with a healthy economy that benefits our citizens.”

When it comes to the coronavirus, DeBello is happy with the country’s performance in bending the curve. However, he says that “the job is not over.”

“I believe that we must now get America back to work and begin re-opening for business in areas less impacted,” said DeBello. “I advocate for continued use of masks and distancing, and not to continue to rely on the virtual money tree in Washington.”

DeBello’s statements echo what we’ve been hearing from Republicans—and even some Democrats—around the country. California Senate Republican Leader Shanon Grove sent a letter to Governor Newsom this week asking him to grant “flexibility and discretion” to local leaders and communities regarding the economy. Many areas are less impacted than others, so there is no reason the entire state needs to remain closed. 

DeBello will be holding conference calls next week to discuss the economy, his congressional campaign, repealing AB 5, and more.

“As your Congressional Candidate for the 52nd District, I’ll be joining Congressional Candidates Darrell Issa (50th District) and Bryan Maryott (49th District) for a roundtable discussion sponsored by the Young Republicans of San Diego, next Tuesday, April 28th, starting at 6:00 p.m. PST. We’ll each have the floor for a few minutes, then open it up to a roundtable and Q&A,” he said.

You can register for this event on Eventbrite.

The day before that roundtable, DeBello will join State Assembly candidate June Cutter for a discussion.

“I will be joining State Assembly Republican Candidate June Cutter for a Facebook Live ‘chat’ next Monday, April 27th, beginning at noon,” he explained. “June is a dynamo, and while I am working hard to take back our House, she is working hard to take back our State! We’ll be sure to talk about topics like the Repeal of AB 5, California economic recovery and excessive taxes, the likes of which have infected Sacramento and DC.”

DeBello made one last note that summarizes why electing candidates like him in November is so important: “As I say, Sacramento is the laboratory of the left, and we need to change that and prevent it from spreading to Washington.”

To learn more about Jim DeBello, visit and connect with him on Facebook or Twitter.