SDUSD Candidate Crystal Trull Needs Your Help: Complete a Short Survey so She can Learn the Needs of Parents

Earlier this month, San Diego Unified School District A candidate Crystal Trull created and launched a survey for parents and others connected to SDUSD.

“I would much rather meet with you in person to learn about your concerns and ideas about at-home learning,” said Trull. “But, since we can’t at this time, I’m providing a survey which should take about 5 minutes to complete and is open to parents, guardians, teachers, staff, and just about anyone who is interested in education and the San Diego Unified School District. I value your feedback and appreciate your time.”

Trull’s survey is set to expire this Friday, and she’s hoping to receive a few hundred more responses so that she can better understand the needs and concerns of parents during this time on online learning.

Trull is a parent of three children enrolled in SDUSD schools, giving her firsthand knowledge of the challenges faced by students and parents at this time. This fact has been the primary motivation of her campaign: to improve the education of students by brining accountability, prioritizing resources, and ensuring excellence.

If you have a few minutes, please take the survey (by Fridayhere, as doing so will allow you to voice your concerns and offer ideas that will help Crystal Trull better understand the needs of students and parents alike. It would also help greatly to forward the survey to friends, family, and/or colleagues who may have some connection to San Diego Unified School District.

For more information about Crystal Trull and her campaign, visit