Peaceful Protest in Downtown San Diego Calls for the Opening of California

Written by Paula Whitsell

Today, over 200 regular citizens descended on downtown San Diego to peacefully protest the continued shutdown of normal life due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

There were babies in backpacks, kids in strollers, moms and dads, senior citizens, professionals and blue collar people all there to protest the continued government shut of businesses, schools, parks, fishing, and boating.  

All were noisy; honking their horns, waving their flags, and displaying their signs expressing their discontent in a peaceful and orderly manner. Traffic was not disrupted, although it was slow as cars passing by joined the honking and cheering, waving flags from their rolled down windows. The crowd was very animated but respectful.

The San Diego Police Department is to be commended for their coolness and patience with regular people out on the streets expressing their frustration with the prolonged COVID-19 shutdown. The SDPD was a visible but quiet presence parked one block from the main event, which occupied three city blocks in front of the Hall of Justice on Broadway.

The police were not seen ticketing or arresting any of the participants. Chief of Police David Nisleit is to be applauded for showing restraint in these difficult times, allowing San Diegans to practice their constitutional rights in a peaceful manner.


Photos via Paula Whitsell