Darrell Issa Raises $612,000 in First Quarter of 2020

Written by Michael Palomba

Darrell Issa’s campaign announced last week that $612,000 was raised in the first quarter of 2020. That makes him one of the top fundraisers among all congressional candidates.

Following his advancement past the primary election in March, Issa’s campaign hasn’t missed a beat.

“After a strong primary, we’ve carried momentum into the general election and proved we’re ready to win in November,” said Issa. “Leadership matters in this race, especially during these uncertain times. We’ll continue to talk to every voter about how we can safely get our economy open and back on track.”

Issa has talked about getting the economy back on track—and one of his proposed moves is to immediately suspend AB 5. This adds Issa to a long list of state and local officials who are calling for the suspension or outright cancellation of AB 5.

Assembly Bill 5 was written by Assemblywoman Lorena Gonzalez, who tends to act more like a union lobbyist than a public official—and her bill reflects that. It completely decimates the gig economy, destroying countless job opportunities and livelihoods in the process. With unemployment at staggering highs, we do not need any legislation that gets rid of jobs, especially for no good reason.


“As soon as we’re past the first medical surge of COVID-19, we’ll need to do everything we can to get Californians back to work and our economy moving again,” Issa said. “This is going to require all of us rowing in the same direction to turbocharge our economy and that won’t happen if workers are banned from earning a living and job creators and businesses have one arm tied behind their back by AB5.”

Issa will look to carry this momentum to the November election against Ammar Campa-Najjar in one of the most closely watched elections in the country.