County Supervisor Jim Desmond Launches Website Seeking Input from Local Business Owners to Open Economy

To recieve valuable input from local businesses in need, County Supervisor Jim Desmond has created a website where business owners affected by COVID-19 can pitch their ideas. On, business owners are encouraged to share their thoughts on how San Diego businesses can quickly recover from unforeseen shutdowns and loss of revenue, while moving towards getting employees back to work.

“We are interested in hearing from restaurants, retail stores and all businesses that have been affected by COVID-19,” Desmond stated. “Many businesses are on the brink of going under and we need to do all we can to help them.”

Despite non-essential businesses remaining closed, Desmond wants to prepare a plan for recovery so that we can hit the ground running as soon as public health restrictions are eased. This effort is a great step toward ramping up our local economy when the times comes to relax certain restrictions imposed in response to the pandemic.

“The economy is essential, food on the table is essential, mortgages are essential, and rent is essential,” Desmond said.

We can’t do much to change things now, but planning ahead is essential to getting out of the corner that COVID-19 has backed us into. Supervisor Desmond is doing the right thing for the county by protecting small businesses in need, and has proven to be a strong leader in this time of crisis.