Governor Newsom Again Praises President Trump’s Handling of the Coronavirus Crisis

Written by Nicholas Vetrisek

Last Friday, Governor Newsom praised Trump’s response to the Coronavirus in an interview on CNN. He explained that the president has fulfilled every one of California’s requests that he could. Responding to a comment by Anderson Cooper that both leaders seem to be working well given their disagreements in the past, Newsom stated:

“Yeah, look, I mean…we’re involved in 68 lawsuits with the Trump administration. I’ve been on your show, I haven’t been timid. He certainly hasn’t been timid,” Newsom said. “But I got to say this, it’s just the fact. I’d be lying to you. I’d be lying to the American people. Every single direct request that he was capable of meeting he has met. We have the USNS Mercy in California because of his direct intervention and support; 2,000 of these federal medical stations because of his direct support.”

He also added, “And so I can only speak for myself, but I have to be complimentary, otherwise I would be simply lying to you, misleading you, and that is a wonderful thing to be able to say, and I hope that continues. But this has been a remarkable moment, or at least we’ve been able to rise above that partisanship.”

According to both leaders, the situation is being resolved in a satisfactory manner, yet there are those who insist on blaming President Trump. Many individuals on the far-left have endlessly criticized the response by the Trump Administration to the coronavirus outbreak, going so far as to say that he has “blood on his hands.”

Trump Derangement Syndrome is famous for making the left upset about any issue, but in this case, it’s particularly pathetic. If even Gavin Newsom, one of President Trump’s most vocal critics, can acknowledge that Trump is doing an excellent job, what does that say about the partisan hacks that tarnish a rare moment of partisan unity for a cheap jab? Thankfully, however, the coronavirus crisis is being handled well, no matter what agitators say to the contrary.