Darrell Issa Calls on Governor Newsom to Immediately Suspend AB 5

On Thursday, 50th congressional district candidate Darrell Issa called on Governor Gavin Newsom to suspend AB 5, the infamous legislation that severely curtailed the ability of independent contractors to work as they prefer.

The harmful effects of AB 5 have been demonstrated far and wide, with the COVID-19 pandemic only exacerbating the damage for many California workers. Those who were already struggling to find employment that aligned with needs and preferences have been marginalized further in recent weeks.

Despite this painful reality, Democrats in the State Legislature and Governor Newsom have refused to even consider suspending AB 5 during this time. Joining many others in demanding change, Issa explained why an immediate suspension is necessary to salvage California’s economy.

“As soon as we’re past the first medical surge of COVID-19, we’ll need to do everything we can to get Californians back to work and our economy moving again,” Issa said. “This is going to require all of us rowing in the same direction to turbocharge our economy and that won’t happen if workers are banned from earning a living and job creators and businesses have one arm tied behind their back by AB5.”

Issa also took to Twitter to explain the consequences of AB 5 not just during the current crisis, but when the economy begins to open back up.

For more information about Darrell Issa and his campaign, visit DarrellIssa.com.