Joe Biden is Not Fit to Become President

Written by Michael Palomba

Last week, Bernie Sanders officially suspended his 2020 presidential campaign, making Joe Biden the presumptive Democratic nominee.

Sanders made the announcement on Wednesday, saying that “while this campaign is coming to an end, our movement is not.”

Despite suspending his campaign, Sanders has not completely left the race. He declared that he would stay on the ballot and continue to gather delegates, a decision that could give him some leverage within the Democratic platform. 

So now the country is preparing itself for November’s election: President Trump vs. former Vice President Joe Biden. Unsurprisingly, a CNN poll revealed that Biden has a several point lead over Trump in a national matchup. 

If I’m not mistaken, the story was much the same in 2016 when Trump was running against Hilary Clinton. She was constantly leading in the polls, seems like deja vu. We all remember how the election went, right? Despite leading in the polls, Clinton lost handily. 

This is an election year like no other, however. We are currently facing a global pandemic, the stock market is recovering from 2008 lows, and unemployment is through the roof. It’s unclear at this time what effect that will have on the election. 

I have a serious question regarding Joe Biden, though. Is he even fit to be president? I don’t think I’m alone in having doubts.

Biden is 77 years old, four years older than Trump. In addition, his cognitive function appears to have decreased substantially over the years. 

Take a look at this clip from the 2008 debate between Joe Biden and Sarah Palin. In the clip—in which Biden makes clear that he and Barack Obama oppose gay marriage—it’s easy to see that Biden was once an articulate, efficient speaker.

Now, take a look at this compilation of Biden’s recent gaffes on the campaign trail.

It’s hard to believe that this is even the same man. He is constantly getting caught up in his words, retelling stories incorrectly, and losing his temper with citizens. Just last month, Biden told a factory worker he was “full of s—” during an argument over guns. He even announced to an audience in South Carolina that he was a candidate “for the United States Senate” without a second thought. 

How could anyone see all of these warning signs and not wonder if this man is fit to lead?

I think it’s clear, even to many Democrats (though they may not admit it), that Trump is the better pick of the two. But that doesn’t mean they’ll vote for him. The “blue no matter who” movement is a strong one, and something we can’t forget about. Many Democrats have such a deep hatred for Trump, they will vote for literally anyone else. They have stopped voting for the better of the country, and started voting based on hate and rage.

That is why it’s important that Republicans get out in droves on election day. We obviously know who is best for our country, and that’s President Trump. Under his leadership, America is thriving. Though the coronavirus pandemic is very harmful, the president’s prudent leadership has unquestionably saved lives, jobs, and businesses.


Photo by Gage Skidmore via Flickr