Poway Implementing Eviction Moratorium and Small Business Relief Program

Everywhere you look, cities are trying hard to keep things running smoothly for their citizens in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. In Poway’s case, leaders have been making moves to help local businesses, while elected officials keep open lines of digital communication in order to make decisions that will help the city.

At a recent digital City Council meeting, Poway enacted a moratorium on commercial loan evictions and opened up a small business loan program, helping pivotal parts of their economy get some footing during this economic mudslide. We’ve seen great success from similar initiatives in San Diego, San Marcos, and Oceanside so far. That same trend ought to continue as Poway moves forwards with its program.

All present council members voted unanimously to suspend all commercial evictions until May 31, protecting companies from being drained of their assets in light of slow business. With the help of their staff, they’re also developing a small business loan program. More details will be presented after further progress, likely during the April 21st council meeting.

Despite social distancing forcing leaders to meet virtually, cities such as Poway have proven that dedication to public service transcends all barriers. They continue to put the community first from their homes, creating changes at a crucial time.