Ursula Wagstaff’s CA Botana Develops Hand Sanitizer for Local Hospitals

Now more than ever, the world needs innovators. Here in San Diego, we’ve got some of the best innovators in the nation, and solutions are already popping up around the city for ways that we can combat the coronavirus. 

Local business owner, immigrant, and proud patriot Ursula Wagstaff has stepped up to the challenge. She’s the owner of CA Botana, an organic skincare manufacturer based in Sorrento Valley. Since the start of this crisis, she’s been distributing their FDA approved hand sanitizer to those who need it.

The story behind the sanitizer is certainly a heartwarming one. Wagstaff’s late husband, Dr. Dieter Kuster, had developed the formula years ago, but until now there wasn’t much of a need for it and so it was shelved. Of all the skincare products that he’d developed, this one just might be his legacy.

“We are very fortunate to utilize his formulation and bring it out for a cause. So he’s still impacting people, and we’re very blessed to be able to do that,” said Wagstaff.

At first, the company only distributed to friends and family, but once Wagstaff saw the citywide need, she decided to keep going. CA Botanica has distributed thousands of units to San Diego hospitals, as well as the Salvation Army. They anticipate producing over 15,000 bottles in the coming days.

San Diego is extremely appreciative of all the innovators we have. People like Ursula Wagstaff and the 25 employees at CA Botana are who we need to get through this crisis—together.


Photo by UCFFool via Flickr