Joe Leventhal and Chris Cate Work Together to Deliver Supplies to San Diego Police Child Care Center

Written by Michael Palomba

People’s true character really shows in times of widespread hardship. The coronavirus outbreak has left many parents without the supplies they need for their children. Some may be suffering because of losing a job, while others may simply not be able to find a store that has any stock. 

Taking note of this, San Diego City Council candidate Joe Leventhal set out to do what he could to help parents out. He recently helped collect over 2,000 water bottles for the San Diego Police Department’s emergency daycare center. The daycare center is absolutely essential for parents that are working long hours to support our city during the pandemic, such as doctors, nurses, firefighters, and law enforcement officers.

This vital work hasn’t gone unnoticed or unaided, as others have stepped up to help. That includes San Diego City Councilman Chris Cate, who thanked Leventhal for his donation to the San Diego Police Officers Association’s emergency childcare center.


Thank you to Leventhal, Cate, and everyone else who has contributed to this much needed center.

The SDPOA needs all the help they can get right now, so if you’d like to make a donation or get involved visit or