San Diego City Councilman Chris Cate Promotes Autism Awareness in Annual Race for Autism

The coronavirus pandemic has shaken up plans for many events across the nation, cancelling many traditions and forcing their organizers to find new ways to create vibrant spaces that bring people together. Among those events is the Race for Autism, an annual fundraiser to improve the lives of those affected by autism.

Participants fundraise within their communities to win prizes, build teams with their coworkers, families, and neighbors, and run a 5k to show their support.

Racers usually gather together to run or walk the event in person on the big day, but COVID-19 restrictions have made that implausible. This year, they created a virtual program in which individuals could participate in the walk at their own leisure in their communities during any time of day, while maintaining a safe distance between themselves and others. 

San Diego City Councilman Chris Cate participated in the run. Donning his favorite superhero t-shirt featuring Aquaman, Cate took to Twitter to ask fellow San Diegans to pitch in where they could. “More than 20,000 families right here in our community are affected by autism,” stated Cate. “Join me in being a superhero for those with autism.”

Though the race has passed, San Diegans can still show their support for affected families in our community through donations to the National Foundation for Autism Research (NFAR) at NFAR is a San Diego-based organization that does an outstanding job of helping our community. Though it may be difficult to spare money in light of the economic situation we’re facing today, every dollar helps!


Photo by UCFFool via Flickr