Darrell Issa Reaches 50,000 Residents of the 50th Congressional District in Virtual Town Hall Series

Recently, 50th congressional district candidate Darrell Issa held several “teletownhalls” to offer residents of the district updates and perspective on the coronavirus outbreak.

In total, Issa hosted three separate town halls for residents in East County, North County, and Riverside County, reaching over 50,000 residents of the 50th district.

While Issa successfully advanced past the primary election and into the general to face off against Democrat Ammar Campa-Najjar, he decided to put partisan politics on hold to connect with the community during a difficult time. The bipartisan nature of this endeavor is evidenced by the elected Republicans and Democrats who joined Issa for the teletownhall series.

El Cajon Mayor Bill Wells, County Supervisors Dianne Jacob and Jim Desmond, San Marcos Mayor Rebecca Jones, Escondido Mayor Paul McNamara, Temecula Mayor James Stewart, Temecula City Councilman Matt Rahn, and Murrieta City Councilman Jonathan Ingram all participated in the online-based events.

“Thank you to the local elected leaders, both Republicans and Democrats, who participated in these town halls,” Issa said in a statement. “We put politics aside, answered questions for residents, and provided information for people who are dealing with the uncertainty caused by this pandemic.”