Oceanside City Councilmember Christopher Rodriguez Forfeits Salary to Help Residents and Businesses Affected by COVID-19

Today, Oceanside City Councilmember Christopher Rodriguez announced that he will be forfeiting his entire salary and requesting that the money is reallocating towards city programs directed at dealing with the COVID-19 outbreak.

“In this time of great need and uncertainty for Oceanside residents, I have decided to forfeit my salary as an Oceanside City Councilman and ask that the amount be directed to the programs the city is launching to help the businesses and residents affected by the current shutdown,” said Rodriguez.

The effects of the pandemic are undoubtedly being felt more and more by San Diegans each day, with the economic shutdown and spread of the virus making life extremely challenging for all. Many local cities, Oceanside included, have created programs specifically designed to manage the trouble caused by the outbreak. However, the unexpected expense and revenue loss is making this exceedingly difficult for citizens and elected officials alike.

“The COVID-19 pandemic poses the threat of illness and, in many cases, death at a level not seen since the early 20th Century,” Rodriguez noted. “The severe shutdown in our economy, though critical to flattening the curve of transmission of the virus, is leading to a harsh financial impact on Oceanside, California, and the nation.”

The spread and lethality of the virus has forced businesses and schools to shut down, which has had a major impact on the lives of many. Compounding these concerns is the uncertainty regarding when the shutdowns and stay-at-home orders will be lifted. No clear timetable can be set for this, however, as the models for the COVID-19 spread are still very much uncertain.

“Cooperation and solidarity are demanded of us in this time of great crisis. The City of Oceanside will be acting to assist residents and local employers. I am hopeful these programs will lessen the financial impact on our friends and neighbors,” Rodriguez added. “We will get through this by following the advice of our public health officials to ensure we all remain safe and healthy, and each of us doing our part to keep our city moving forward.”