County Supervisor Kristin Gaspar Encourages Transparency and Unity as Coronavirus Escalates

Though the world has been in a time of darkness, our elected officials have been able to bring much light to a difficult situation. COVID-19 has uprooted daily life for every American, making it more essential than ever for us to have leaders that will protect the people.

San Diego County Supervisor Kristin Gaspar and her fellow supervisors have been working together to make difficult decisions in response to the coronavirus. She’s explained that she wants subcommittees to discuss options before announcing final decisions about measures to be taken. She has also placed a focus on transparency with small businesses, emphasizing the need to inform restaurants and small businesses when they will be able to resume normal operations.

Gaspar understands the strains on the medical industry at this time, and wholly wants elected officials to work with both scientists and doctors in order to make the right decisions for the people. She hopes to see other elected leaders looking out for the interest of their communities as well.

In light of coronavirus concerns, it’s more important than ever for our elected officials to work together for the betterment of our world. Gaspar understands this, and is doing an incredible job helping out her community while being a paramont leader for San Diego.


Photo by Kevin Baird via Flickr