Melanie Burkholder Offers Compassion and Encouragement During Coronavirus Outbreak

In these trying times of distress and confusion, it’s essential for elected officials and candidates alike to demonstrate leadership in support of their communities. We need to rally behind those with the resolve to help us perservere through this pandemic, as a city, state, and country.

Melanie Burkholder, candidate for 76th Assembly district, recently released a message of comfort for those left confused, lost, and hurt by the effects that COVID-19 has had on their lives.

“During this unprecedented event in our lifetimes, what is easy is to either ignore what is happening or give in to fear. What requires strength is to focus on what is important and what is real. Panic can feed upon itself, but our strength can also flow through to our family, friends, neighbors, and those around us,” she explained.

She reminds each and every one of us to show compassion, while protecting ourselves and our communities. “In these weeks ahead, while we all take the necessary precautions to protect ourselves, look in on those possibly less fortunate than you, your neighbors, and spend that quality time with your families that we keep putting off due to our hectic lives. And even though we now work from home, our schools are closed, and large public gatherings are banned, our economy continues, our supply chains are intact, and there is still plenty for everyone.”

But most importantly, Burkholder understands that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself. “We will not give into fear, we will instead show how strength and love for our fellow man will once again, as it has since our Founding Fathers forged a nation, show how we as Americans will weather the storm and emerge from the darkness stronger than before. We are Americans, and we are stronger than any foe, visible, or invisible.”

Her message of compassion and encouragement is desperately needed at this time, and hopefully it resonates with San Diegans across the political spectrum who are struggling to adapt to the crisis.