Republican Congressional Candidate Brian Maryott Beginning Virtual Town Hall Series

This morning, Republican congressional candidate Brian Maryott announced that he’ll be launching a weekly virtual town hall series, beginning this Wednesday. The decision comes in light of the COVID-19 health emergency, which is having major effects not just in San Diego or California, but around the globe.

“My campaign will focus on staying level-headed, safe, and rational, while continuing to get important information to voters. This includes replacing some public campaign activities – including door-to-door and community gatherings – with a series of virtual town halls. I look forward to answering voters’ questions while we continue to assess the magnitude of the situation at hand,” Maryott explained.

The virtual town halls will be conducted on Maryott’s Facebook page at 6:30 P.M. every Wednesday for the duration of the public health emergency. This move shows that Maryott is taking the coronavirus risks very seriously, refusing to put any future constituents in unnecessary danger. At the same time, it allows him to continue propagating his message to residents of the 49th congressional district, who are eager for change given the record of far-left incumbent Congressman Mike Levin.

Maryott is a Certified Financial Planner who spent most of his career helping families save for a rainy day, send their kids to college and retire with dignity. In his time as Mayor of San Juan Capistrano, he had a proven record of reform and a history of working with people from all walks of life to get results.


To learn more about Brian Maryott’s campaign, visit