President Trump Receiving Praise from Some Democrats for Coronavirus Response

Written by Michael Palomba

In a rare event, Governor Gavin Newsom has actually praised President Trump, specifically for his response to a cruise ship infected with coronavirus.

The Grand Princess cruise ship, which was allowed to dock in Oakland, had at least 21 passengers affected by COVID-19. While the Trump administration faced criticism from the usual critics, Newsom shared positive remarks about the President Trump’s handling of the situation. 

“We had a private conversation, but he said, ‘We’re gonna do the right thing’ and ‘You have my support, all of our support, logistically and otherwise,'” Newsom told reporters at a recent news conference.

“He said everything I could have hoped for,” the governor asserted. “And we had a very long conversation and every single thing he said, they followed through on,” he noted.

“Every single thing… has been consistent with expectation we’d repatriate these passengers and do it in a way that does justice to the spirit that defines the best of our country,” the governor said.

Newsom’s response conflicts with the media portrayal of the administration’s response. While it isn’t surprising that many Democrats are looking for anything to complain about, Newsom breaking from the pack is not something we typically see.

It should be noted that Newsom is not the only Democratic governor to praise President Trump’s emergency response to COVID-19, as New York Governor Andrew Cuomo expressed similar remarks.

Everyone needs to remember that the full power of the U.S. government is working on this pandemic. Several hundred billion dollars have been allocated and a national emergency has been declared to further assist states and localities.