Democratic Presidential Candidates Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders Embrace AB 5

Written by Michael Palomba 

Democrats on all sides have come out in favor of the utter disaster that is AB 5. Presidential candidates Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden have both expressed their support, showing how widespread the Democratic delusion has become.

AB 5 is the infamous bill that requires all independent contractors be reclassified as typical employees. The bill was authored by Assemblywoman Lorena Gonzalez, and has been fiercely battled by independent contractors and corporations alike.

Now, Sanders’ decision to back the bill comes as little surprise. He is one of the most far-left figures to ever run for the highest office in the land—and he’s doing more than just that. Sanders has introduced a plethora of topics to the American political system that were rightfully dismissed as radical in the recent past.

Free college, socialized healthcare, and national rent control are just a few of his fringe policies that are rejected even by European social democracies. Nonetheless, he has shifted the Democratic Party so much that even “moderate” candidates like Biden have come to embrace far-left policies, such as AB 5.

Some Biden supporters have even come out and condemned his decision:

AB 5 introduces a slew of government-enforced regulations on how and when people can work. It would require a complete overhaul of many companies’ business models and changes the way that everyday Americans work. 

State Senator Brian Jones describes AB 5 as “a blatant power-grab by Democrat politicians and some labor bosses,” and he’s exactly right. He also explained that “Hard-working Californians face the loss of their businesses and livelihoods. Governor Newsom never should have signed such a poorly thought-out measure and it’s time to repeal it.”

We need a political leaders that want less government intervention in our lives, not more. AB 5 is an economic experiment that is having immense consequences for workers and businesses. This is yet another case of liberal elites legislating how they want us to live, rather than advocating for what we really want.


Photo by Matt Johnson via Flickr