Scott Sherman Set to Advance to General Election

As of now, it appears that San Diego City Councilman Scott Sherman made it to the top two of primary, securing himself a one-way ticket to the November runoff for Mayor of San Diego alongside Assemblyman Todd Gloria.

His primary campaign was a great success, uniting citizens across San Diego on issues that truly matter. Sherman emphasized solving the housing crisis and combating homelessness, while promoting public safety. He hopes to build off of Mayor Kevin Faulconer’s successes to keep San Diego on the track of progress.

Though the mayoral field was dominated by Democratic candidates, Sherman’s integrity and dedication allowed his campaign to accumulate broad public support. As a small business owner, he understands the needs of the local businesses that thrive in San Diego’s robust economy, and as a City Councilman, he’s no stranger to how the legislative process.

However, entering primary season, Sherman’s going to need all the support he can get. Facing off against Todd Gloria will be no easy feat, which is why it’s so important that his supporters do all that they can to help spread the word and the vote. San Diego needs a mayor who understands the city and is willing to work to fix it, and Scott Sherman is just the man for the job.