Trump Sign Waving Event in Chula Vista Draws Huge Support

Written by Republican Women of California-Southbay

The Republican Women Club of Southbay held their first Trump sign-waving event on Friday, February 28 during the evening rush hour at an exit off I-805. Not knowing what to expect, as far as participants or from people driving by, the event was a huge success with over 50 people showing up to hold signs and wave flags.

Several people who drove by decided to park and asked to join in. If the support shown by car honks, thumbs up, smiles on people’s faces, shouts of “Trump 2020” and “four more years” are any indication for the election, President Trump’s support is off the charts.

Chula Vista, just miles from the U.S.-Mexico border that overlooks the lights of Tijuana at night, is a Democrat stronghold. From the support for Trump shown Friday night, something is happening here in Chula Vista and South Bay!