Councilmember John McCann Gets Chula Vista to Support Legal Gun Ownership Rights

Chula Vista – Councilmember John McCann successfully brought a resolution to the Chula Vista City Council to support Senate Bill 723 (Jones). SB 723 corrects a state law that can cause an otherwise legal gun owner to become a felon if a warrant was issued in their name, whether or not they have knowledge of the existence of the warrant.

“Citizens should be able to own legal firearms without being concerned about hidden legal consequences,” said Councilmember John McCann. “Californians should be guaranteed due process rights regarding gun ownership.”

Councilmember John McCann eloquently argued in favor of SB 723, legal gun ownership and due process for all. This led Councilmember John McCann to successfully pass the resolution in favor SB 723 with a majority vote from the Chula Vista City Council.

SB 723 corrects a policy that was improperly added through the budget process and never received a policy committee hearing. SB 723 clarifies that any person for whom a warrant has been issued must have knowledge of the warrant before they can be arrested for a specific firearm related charge.