Brian Maryott Calls on Opponent, Freshman Rep. Mike Levin, to Renounce Support of H.R. 1384 – Socialized Healthcare

H.R. 1384, a prime example of Mike Levin’s support for socialist policies, would cost trillions and kick 149 million Americans off their current healthcare plan

(Carlsbad, CA) – Today marks exactly one year since Mike Levin and his Progressive Caucus colleagues made the ill-conceived decision to introduce HR 1384 on the House floor. This government-run healthcare bill disguised under the name of “Medicare for All”, mirrors the radical healthcare plan of socialist Bernie Sanders. While mainstream Democrats and their Labor Union allies are condemning this plan on a daily basis, Mike Levin has chosen to double down and continue his support for this bill.

“The Medicare for All plan alone clearly says…. That it will kick 149 million Americans off their current health insurance,” stated Senator Amy Klobuchar in Tuesday’s presidential debate, in response to Sanders touting this socialist plan. Mayor Pete Buttigieg echos these concerns, “We can get to universal healthcare coverage without putting America through all of that, without kicking people off their private plans, without disagreements to the tune of $10 or $15 trillion over how much this is all going to cost.”

These presidential candidates are right. Mike Levin and Bernie Sanders’ healthcare plan is unnecessarily burdensome, obscenely expensive, and fundamentally un-American. Not to mention the detriments that would arise if implemented: loss of choice in your provider, long waiting periods, barriers to seeing specialists, little to no medical innovation, and more.

“I am calling on my opponent Mike Levin to renounce his support of H.R. 1384, or to be honest with his constituents about what this bill would cost and how it would end their current healthcare plans. They won’t keep their doctor, their taxes will go up, and the quality of their care will not be protected,” said Maryott, –

“Voters will have a choice between two drastically different visions for the future of American government: a choice between preserving the freedom this country was founded on or extreme, socialist government control. I will continue to expose Mike Levin’s extremism and false promises throughout this campaign and offer real, pragmatic solutions to our district’s challenges.”

California’s 49th District encompasses portions of both northern San Diego County and southern Orange County. CA-49 is a swing district with a Cook PVI of R+1 and a R+2 voter registration advantage.

Maryott is a Certified Financial Planner who spent most of his career helping families save for a rainy day, send their kids to college and retire with dignity. In his time as Mayor of San Juan Capistrano, he has a proven record of reform and a history of working with people from all walks of life to get results.

To learn more about Maryott and his campaign, please visit