Lorena Gonzalez Endorses Elizabeth Warren, Again Displaying Awful Judgment

It’s officially primary election day here in California! Over the last few months, political commentators, elected officials, and candidates alike have begun to issue endorsements for their preferred candidates. Recently, Assemblywoman Lorena Gonzalez pumped out her own presidential endorsement in favor of Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA).

Gonzalez claims that Warren understands the corruption of “money in politics” and the imbalance of power between workers and corporations. To say that Warren isn’t just as corrupt as the candidates she slams, or to suggest that Warren truly has the interests of America’s working-class at heart is delusion at best or partisan hackery at its worst. The slightest bit of research into Warren’s past is proof enough of her terrible policy, but it’s evident that Gonzalez is more than willing to forego research to appear progressive.

Apart from having awful policies across the board that will cripple the working class with taxes and destroy businesses with regulations, Warren has proven that she lacks the integrity to be president. Warren has a reputation for lying, whether it be about her heritage (Pocahontas, anyone?), the schools she sent her children to, or her family’s blue-collar background.

She has also proven that she’s willing to turn on her own allies as long as she has something to gain from it. Warren’s attacks on fellow candidate Bernie Sanders, labeling him as a sexist without any concrete evidence, served as yet another testament to her horrendous character.

If Gonzalez’s infamous AB 5 says anything about her judgment, it’s that she’s entirely out of touch with what California needs. Her endorsement of Elizabeth Warren, arguably the worst candidate on the Democratic side (which is saying a lot!), demonstrates exactly why Californians are so unhappy with her as a legislator.


Photo by Gage Skidmore via Flickr