Don’t Fall for the Taxpayers Advocates Mailer Attacking Scott Sherman

The Democratic Party here in San Diego is utterly shameless. They sling mud at Scott Sherman and actively try to destroy the campaign on Barbara Bry, a fellow Democrat. These Democrats are deeply invested in Todd Gloria becoming the next Mayor of San Diego because they want someone in office who will kowtow to the will of the party rather than forward the interests of his constituents.

The Democrats hold power in California, they have the money and the influence to continue these attacks for as long as they want. And while the Democrats tear each other apart in the media, Sherman continues to make gains in the polls. Voters respect a man who acts with dignity rather than lowering himself to the level Todd Gloria and Barbara Bry’s level. 

A great example is the recent attacks on Sherman by Scott Barnett and the Taxpayers Advocates on behalf of Barbara Bry. These insipid hypocrites sent out an attack mailer on Sherman to a large number of Republican households, claiming that Scott Sherman was not in support of President Trump. This was because of a quote from Sherman where he said, “Trump has nothing to do with me, and I have nothing to do with him.”

This is not a rebuke of the president by Sherman, but proof that he has his priorities straight. Democrats are so obsessed over President Trump and federal issues that they neglect their duties to their constituents on the state and local level. Democrats focus on appeasing their party base while Sherman understands that his first priority is the people of San Diego. The Taxpayers Advocates are desperately attempting to drive a wedge between Scott Sherman and the Republicans, but they will not succeed.

Not to mention that Scott Sherman has done more for the taxpayers of San Diego than Scott Barnett and the Taxpayers Advocates ever have. Sherman has been the most fiscally conservative member of the City Council for years and has proven his values and beliefs with his actions.

The Taxpayers Advocates have proven with their actions that they are nothing more than a Democratic puppet organization seeking to undermine Sherman’s campaign. Nonetheless, Scott Sherman will defeat Barbary Bry at the ballot box on Tuesday and advance to the general election in November—when San Diegans will have the chance to make the right choice for their next mayor.