Senator Patricia Bates Responds to State of the State

SACRAMENTO – Senator Patricia Bates (R-Laguna Niguel) issued the following statement today after Governor Gavin Newsom delivered his “State of the State” speech to a joint convention of the California Legislature:

“California is a land of dreamers and doers, and I appreciate the Governor’s positive tone about addressing our state’s challenges together such as homelessness. The Governor is right when he says it is disgraceful that the state is failing to address homelessness and noted many contributing factors to the crisis. Those factors combined with recent soft-on-crime measures and more than nine years of one-party control of state government have led us to where we are today.

“However, I look forward to working with the Governor on solutions that will provide shelter and services to those in need and making our streets cleaner and safer. I agree with him when he says we must match resources with results. His pledges to work on implementing accountability measures and partnering with local governments are steps in the right direction. We can build housing without destroying existing neighborhoods.

“Given the Governor’s focus on homelessness, I hope he will work with me to pass my SB 863 that will ban deceptive marketing in the rehab industry, and to address issues related to sober living homes. Bad actors in the addiction treatment industry have played a role in putting more people on the streets and I welcome any assistance the Governor can provide in this area.”