The Vocational Education Resurgence that Republicans have Spent Decades Fighting For

Written by Josh Imes

In an attempt to appease the left’s laughably hypocritical ideology of “inclusion,” American education has transitioned to adopting a “college prep for all” approach to the way teenagers and young adults are educated. From these policies, we have begun to see an oversaturation in the job market of bachelor’s degrees, rendering them almost useless. In California, this is especially true.

However, the policies have not only affected the job market, but have since negatively affected the students in the local school systems. While it’s crucial to make every effort to be inclusive with education, ignoring the fact that some students may not have the aptitude or the interest in becoming lawyers, doctors or engineers has caused more issues with our education system. This college prep for all approach has forced many students to become less interested in school, and we see this with the rise in high school and college drop out rates.

While Democrats trip over their own feet trying to figure out what inclusion means to them, Republican lawmakers in California have fought hard to invest nearly $1 billion in a resurgence of vocational education for teens and young adults. Over the past decade, community colleges in California have become increasingly involved in preparing high school graduates for the workforce by responding to increasing employer demands for highly educated and well-trained job seekers.

High schools are now also attempting to rejoin the fray. However, the going is tough considering the costs to re-establish these programs are nearly unaffordable due to the facilities needed as well as the funds to hire well-trained professionals that also have the state-required certifications to be educators.

Unfortunately for the students in this situation, they are confused—especially the ones who stick it out and graduate high school but have no aspirations to attend college. They’ve been loaded with this college prep only to backtrack and spend another two years and thousands of dollars gaining the necessary experience and knowledge to become marketable in the workforce. Thanks to the Democrats’ remarkable ability to make things so convoluted, we now have to sit back and watch young adults struggle to find what they are passionate about late into their twenties.

The resurgence of vocational education in high school is a blessing to those students fortunate enough to receive that education, and one can only hope that the Republicans championing this educational reform win out and actually provide a more inclusive educational environment.