HUD Secretary Ben Carson Visits San Diego to Meet with Mayor Faulconer and Discuss Homelessness Solutions

It’s about time that someone in California took the problem of homelessness seriously. San Diego Mayor Kevin Faulconer is that someone and he is making big moves to end the homelessness crisis while Democrats sit around twiddling their thumbs.

Government regulations on a local, state, and federal level have made it incredibly difficult to build affordable housing not just in San Diego, but across California and the rest of America. Mayor Faulconer is standing up to this bureaucracy with his “Connect. Support. House.” strategy. His plan is to get these homeless people off the street with temporary housing and put them in contact with programs that will help them sort their lives out and find gainful employment.

The obstacles Faulconer faces in the pursuit of this goal are daunting. Democrats do not believe that a Republican can solve the homelessness problem and fight against Faulconer every step of the way. Their absurdly high taxes make finding affordable housing in this state nearly impossible for the less fortunate.

Mayor Faulconer is not the only Republican concerned with the growing homelessness crisis, as the Trump administration has taken notice as well—and is stepping up in a big way. They understand that the solution to this problem comes from a rational analysis of fact-based evidence. They are not rushing into new radical legislation like the Democrats often do.

Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson is currently on a fact-finding tour of the country to develop a comprehensive plan to deal with homelessness on a nationwide scale. Most recently, Secretary Carson has visited the Stella and Bluewater apartments with Mayor Faulconer and hosted a roundtable discussion on the issue with many of San Diego’s community leaders.

Secretary Carson has praised Mayor Faulconer and the City of San Diego for their excellent work in the fight against homelessness. While Democrats in San Diego and Sacramento alike attempt to stall and prevent progress, Republican leaders will continue forwarding real solutions to the homelessness crisis.