Supervisor Desmond Leads Effort to Reduce Regulations and Housing Costs for Families

What: On July 24, 2019 the Board of Supervisors unanimously approved Supervisor Jim Desmond’s recommendation to identify ways to reduce time and cost in the permitting process when building new homes in the unincorporated areas of San Diego County. On Wednesday morning the Board of Supervisors will vote to approve County staff recommendations to reduce regulations and the overall permitting cost by up to $60,000 and numerous months from the permitting process.

With the need for more housing affordability in our region, these policies will greatly reduce the cost of permitting homes, which in turn will reduce overall housing costs in San Diego County. This will help young families live and work in the County of San Diego rather than making them commute from areas such as Riverside and Temecula.


San Diego County Supervisor, Jim Desmond

Kerry Garza, Touchstone Development

Matt Adams, Building Industry Association

Where: San Diego County Operations Center, (5510 Overland Ave, San Diego, CA 92123) — In front of Planning & Development Services Building (Map Attached)

When: Tuesday, February 11th, 2:00 P.M.