Republican Party of San Diego County Holds Record-Breaking Event with Candace Owens

On Monday, the Republican Party of San Diego County welcomed nearly 2,500 attendees from across Southern California to its bimonthly Central Committee meeting, featuring guest speaker Candance Owens. The event was the largest that the Party has ever put on, which is extremely important given the primary election is less than a month away.

Despite the enormous crowd size and leading local Republicans also in attendance, only KUSI elected to cover the event. The media bias is evident considering the coverage given to comparatively small events held by the San Diego County Democratic Party. This is nothing new, of course, but further reveals the severity of media bias not just at the national level—but here in San Diego.

Candace Owens is a political commentator known for her vocal criticisms of the Democratic Party and the left as a whole. She has dedicated her career to fighting the liberal machine and encouraging Americans, especially those caught in the chokehold of what she describes as the “Democratic Plantation.” Currently, she stars in PragerU’s “The Candace Owens Show” and serves as the head of the “Blexit” Movement—a political movement encouraging African-American voters to break away from the Democratic Party.

At the event, Owens discussed her passion for changing liberal hearts and minds. She recounted how she has always been at odds with how America’s education system pushes a narrative of indoctrination, telling students what to think instead of how to think. She has long noted that this robs students of their ability to think for themselves, leading them to become reliable Democratic voters as adults.

“An educated mind can’t be enslaved,” Owens said, emphasizing how the prevention of free thought is leading to an indoctrinated and submissive society.

Republican candidates Scott Sherman, Michelle Nguyen, Noli Zosa, Joe Leventhal, and Andrew Gade joined Owens in the speaker lineup, exemplifying the best of what Republican candidates in San Diego have to offer.

February’s Central Committee was a true display of Republican pride, loyalty, and integrity. As the 2020 election cycle moves into full swing, this same energy will be needed to achieve the electoral success Republicans desire.