From One Socialist to Another: Bernie Sanders Endorses Georgette Gómez for Congress

San Diego City Council President Georgette Gómez is a Democratic candidate running for California’s 53rd congressional district seat, which is being left open by retiring Rep. Susan Davis. She has already received endorsements from Rep. Juan Vargas, State Assemblyman Todd Gloria, and State Senator Ben Hueso.

Now, she has received a new major endorsement from Sen. Bernie Sanders as well. Sanders has given endorsements to nine other progressives running for Congress across the country including Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, and Rashida Tlaib. The congressional race has 14 candidates but the numbers show that the only two real competitors are Georgette Gomez and former Hillary Clinton staffer Sarah Jacobs.

This endorsement and Gomez’s excitement are proof of just how radical of a candidate she is. Her name is being put up in the socialist hall of fame next to Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Ilhan Omar. These are not people that Gomez should be associating her campaign with—and San Diegans should take note. These radical progressives have made it abundantly clear through their actions over the past several years that they are not qualified or prepared to handle their positions in government.

The Green New Deal was an absolute disaster of a bill; a national punchline for how delusional these socialists had become. And now Gomez has willingly decided to associate her name with these people. This bodes ill for her potential constituents in the 53rd congressional district.


Photo by Matt Johnson via Flickr