Democratic Congressional Candidate Sara Jacobs Endorsed by Far-Left Eric Swalwell

Written by Michael Palomba

While you probably don’t know her, Sara Jacobs is a Democrat running for Congress in the 53rd district.

Despite her relatively unassuming profile, this isn’t Jacobs’ first rodeo. She ran in the 49th congressional district in 2018, but was only able to conjure up about 16 percent of the vote in the primary election.

Despite her failed previous bid for the House, she’s trying again. And this time she has been endorsed by Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-CA), not that that means much. If you’re not familiar with Swalwell, you’re about to be.

To start, Swalwell is no stranger to failed bids for elected office, given that he launched an extremely short lived campaign for president in April 2019 and suspended his campaign just two months later. He never polled above one percent, showing just how irrelevant he is.

Furthermore, Swalwell made national headlines in November when he farted, loudly, live on air during a Trump impeachment interview. He has since denied that this occurred, but the video evidence doesn’t lie. 

Swalwell is also known to be fiercely anti-Trump, as can be inferred by some of his recent tweets.

He, of course, does not have anything to back up the claim that Trump is “the most corrupt president ever.”

Perhaps most notably, Swalwell threatened to use nuclear weapons on Americans defending their Second Amendment right to bear arms. While many Democrats likely think the same thing privately, Swalwell was foolish enough to say the quiet part out loud.

That hasn’t discouraged Jacobs, however. She gleefully tweeted about being endorsed by Swalwell, as well as two other members of Congress with little name recognition. 

It’s safe to say that Sara Jacobs will not be seeing the floor of the House anytime soon, but that won’t stop her insatiable desire for power and attention—something she and Swalwell clearly have in common.