Senator Brian Jones’ SB 723 Simultaneously Protects Gun Rights and Provides Needed Criminal Justice Reform

Written by Michael Palomba

It’s not everyday that you see gun rights being successfully protected in the California Legislature. However, we’re on the verge on seeing just that.

Senate Bill 723, proposed by Sen. Brian Jones, was passed unanimously in the Democrat-controlled State Senate. Now, it travels to the State Assembly where it will also need the support of a Democratic majority. 

While the bill is relatively minor and far from a comprehensive solution to one of the most prominent issues in the country, it at least shows that there can be some progress made that doesn’t just further liberal ideals

This comes at a time when the Second Amendment is under attack all over the country. Virginia, which is now under full Democrat control for the first time in decades, was recently the home to one of the largest pro-gun rallies in American history. Some 22,000 people, many of them armed, peacefully protested Democratic Governor Ralph Northam’s anti-gun policies.

The bill addresses a policy in the state budget that could allow a legal gun owner to be brought up on felony charges, even if the individual was not aware of the charges. SB 723 “would expressly clarify that this crime is committed if the person has an outstanding warrant for a felony or specified misdemeanor and has knowledge of the outstanding warrant.”

“It’s the intersection of criminal justice reform and the Second Amendment,” said Jones, explaining why his bill gained such broad support.