Scott Sherman Surging in the San Diego Mayoral Polls

San Diego City Councilman Scott Sherman is gaining steam in the race to become San Diego’s next mayor. A poll published last week from Competitive Edge Research and Communication found that Assemblyman Todd Gloria leads the field with 30% of the initial vote, with City Councilwoman Barbara Bry tied with Sherman in second place at 12%. When the researchers provided candidate background information to respondents, Sherman surged past Bry.

A new poll from SurveyUSA released Monday found that Sherman has narrowed the gap even further, which makes sense given his recent performance in mayoral debate forums. The poll has Gloria at 29%, Sherman at 18%, and Bry down to just 13%. For a candidate who entered the race less than two months ago, this is a huge achievement and shows that Sherman has a real chance of winning the election.

By comparison, Barbara Bry has had an underwhelming campaign, to say the least. Bry has made a big deal of shaking up city government and bipartisan cooperation, but her failures on the City Council suggest that her campaign promises are hollow. Many politicians promise major reform and fail to follow through once elected, with Gloria and Bry being clear examples.

It’s also worth noting that 32% of respondents were undecided in the SurveyUSA poll, which means that this race is still up for grabs. Moreover, the two biggest issues for voters appear to be homelessness and housing, which comes as no surprise. However, this is especially relevant since Gloria failed to produce on his promise to end chronic homelessness during his tenure on the San Diego City Council, and Bry has shown little interest in working with Mayor Kevin Faulconer to continue making progress on both fronts.

“San Diego voters are looking for an alternative to the same politicians who’ve made the problems we face worse. This poll shows that our message of common sense over the nonsense at City Hall is resonating and we are optimistic about making the run-off for November,” said Scott Sherman.

Scott Sherman seemingly came out of nowhere and he is taking this race by storm. With his current upward trend, he’s on track to comfortably place in the top two in the March primary, meaning that he’ll likely face off with Todd Gloria in November. And with independents, undecided voters, and Bry’s current supporters needing to select a new candidate after the primary, Sherman could very well become the next Mayor of San Diego.


To learn more about Scott Sherman, visit and connect with him on Facebook or Twitter.