Candidate Profile: Carmelita “C.L.” Larrabaster for State Assembly

Carmelita “C.L.” Larrabaster is the Republican Party of San Diego County’s endorsed candidate running for State Assembly in the 79th district. She’s challenging incumbent Assemblywoman Shirley Weber, who has held office since 2012.

Larrabaster has enjoyed an incredibly successful career in real estate and business development, working domestically and internationally for over 30 years. Her experience in many different markets and environments across Asia, Mexico, and the United States has provided her with the knowledge and insight that few can replicate. Her skills in management, marketing, planning, negotiating, and administration are simply unparalleled in the industry, as evidenced by Larrabaster’s numerous awards and accolades. She has taken leadership roles with six different realtors associations over the past three decades, forming relationships and strategies that have fundamentally altered the way many organizations operate.

Much of her career has been in and around the San Diego area, but her work internationally encouraged her to become fluent in seven languages! Furthermore, Larrabaster has served on two rotary clubs and three chambers of commerce, providing a depth of experience and flexibility that is unheard of. All of this shows how dedicated and diligent Larrabaster is when it comes to taking challenges head-on while elevating herself and those around her.

If her professional achievements aren’t enough, then her lifetime of community service may do the trick. Larrabaster has been volunteering to deeply important causes for 40 years, having worked with the Salvation Army, Rady’s Children’s Hospital, Meals on Wheels, Habitat for Humanity, Project Mercy, St. Vincent de Paul Villages, and more while also founding several foundations of her own.

You may be wondering why a woman with such an impeccable track record of professional excellence and charitable giving would be running for State Assembly. It may seem strange, but it’s precisely that lifetime of service that has compelled Larrabaster to pursue public office. She has achieved more success than most people can dream of while also changing the lives of thousands for the better—and serving in the State Assembly would allow her to continue that work.

Her platform is simple: to make government work for the people rather than the other way around. Larrabaster’s experience using limited resources to improve the lives of individuals and communities aligns perfectly with what she hopes to do as an Assemblywoman. Her staunch belief that elected officials are obligated to forward the interests of their constituents, not themselves. This is obvious for most of us, but career politicians and bureaucrats in Sacramento seem to have forgotten it, leaving California families and businesses to suffer the consequences.

It’s time for a change from corruption and inaction to accountability and transparency. Californians deserve and need that change, and electing true public servants like Carmelita “C.L.” Larrabaster is how it can finally happen.


To learn more about Carmelita “C.L.” Larrabaster, visit