Todd Gloria’s Green New Deal Resolution Reveals His Extremist Views

Written by Thomas Geiser

Here’s a shocker: the Green New Deal proposed by Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez isn’t really about climate change. It’s an attack on the economy of the United States intended to fundamentally alter our capitalist system into a socialist one.

Saikat Chakrabarti, Rep. Ocasio-Cortez’s former chief of staff, publicly admitted that the Green New Deal was a vehicle to change the nature of the entire American economy. Capitalism has made America the most prosperous country in the history of the world with an unparalleled quality of life and incredible opportunities available for those who are willing to work hard. Socialism, on the other hand, has no such track record. It is a system that punishes success and removes incentives for hard work.

The most startling idea proposed in the Green New Deal is that climate change and poverty are somehow deeply linked and that by creating new wealth redistribution, the impact of fossil fuel pollution will be eradicated. This idea, like the Green New Deal in general, is downright ignorant. The Green New Deal is a travesty and proof of the Democrat’s true agenda and goals.

Unsurprisingly, the Green New Deal has made its way to California and found sanctuary with the out of touch Democrats in Sacramento. Assemblyman and San Diego mayoral candidate Todd Gloria passed a resolution in the State Assembly to endorse the Green New Deal. Thankfully, this resolution is symbolic and not legally binding, but it shows a disturbing trend in California’s politics that leans closer and closer to socialism.

This resolution proves that Gloria is not only delusional, but also a coward. He and all of the other California Democrats understand the consequences of the Green New Deal and how catastrophic it would be for California and the nation, but they support it nonetheless. They sit in their ivory towers and pat themselves on the back for being so progressive and compassionate without actually doing anything. If they truly believed that the Green New Deal was the right decision for the state and the country, then they would be proposing an actual bill instead of passing a meaningless resolution. And that’s why Todd Gloria is a coward. He talks a big game but has no follow-through.

This is the sad state of politics in California. Democrats openly support harmful socialist programs but don’t have the backbone to put their words into action. Democratic politicians are more interested in pandering to vocal political minorities and furthering their own interests and careers than they are with the well-being of their constituents. The Green New Deal is like a cockroach that just refuses to die. It could not find a foothold on the national political stage, so now it has taken refuge in California and continues to loom over our heads.

Democrats like Todd Gloria will continue pushing their agenda with ill-conceived policies like the Green New Deal. The only way to stop them is to vote them out of office and show them that their plans and promises have no home here in California.