LEXIT Movement Comes to San Diego

Written by Michael Palomba

On Saturday, the “LEXIT” movement held a rally in Chula Vista. “LEXIT,” which was first inspired by Brexit, represents “The Latino Awakening” and focuses on Latinos who want to embrace more conservative values.

Saturday’s event was hosted by Chile y Pepper and featured a plethora of speakers and special guests including:

Turnout for the event was excellent.

“President Donald Trump has done great things for our country, which you may already know, but he’s also fighting against the liberal agenda. Across the board with the media, with democrats, with Hollywood, and with so many other groups that are pushing a socialist agenda on our country,” said Latinos for Trump member Jesus Marquez. “We need to stand behind our president to help him lead the country and to help him win in 2020 again.”

Esther Valdez, an immigration attorney here in San Diego, said “it’s so incredibly important that America, and California, and more importantly San Diego, realize the importance of the LEXIT movement.” She also mentioned that “Latinos are naturally conservative” and that they “want to protect the right to life.”

The motive of LEXIT is very similar to that of BLEXIT, which was founded by conservative advocate Candace Owens, among others.

Essentially, it is a modern-day renaissance, geared to free Latinos across the country from the permanent victimhood and identity politics inflicted upon them by the Democratic Party.

The number of Hispanic Republicans has been rising steadily, and the LEXIT movement will help to educate Latinos’ on why they should vote conservative as well as ensure that conservative Latino voices are heard.