June Cutter Hosting “Break Up With Brian” Event

Who: 77th Assembly District Candidate June Cutter

What: Celebrating the one year anniversary of Assemblyman Brian Maienschein’s departure from the Republican Party. While it’s very unfortunate that Maienschein put politics over people in switching parties, it allows us to support and elect June Cutter this year.

When: Friday, January 24 @ 5 P.M.

Where: Republican Party of San Diego County Headquarters: 16935 W Bernardo Dr #140, San Diego, CA 92127

Why: To show support for the endorsed Republican candidate, June Cutter! Assemblyman Brian Maienschein has betrayed Republicans, his voters, and every single one of his constituents. It’s time to break up with Brian and elect a candidate who truly supports our values and will stand up for her constituents—and that candidate is June Cutter.

For more information on the event or to donate to June Cutter, you can visit her event site. To learn more about June Cutter and her platform, you can visit her official campaign site.