Candidates June Cutter and Joe Leventhal Host a Successful Neighborhood Walk Together

On Saturday, a group of 80 volunteers gathered together for a neighborhood walk in support of June Cutter for State Assembly, and Joe Leventhal for City Council. Over the course of the day, they knocked on almost 1,500 doors, speaking directly to voters about issues that matter most to San Diego.

Donning colorful pamphlets, matching t-shirts, and yard signs, the group gathered outside of the Republican Party of San Diego County headquarters for breakfast with the candidates. Leventhal and Cutter spoke openly to their volunteers about their friendship and support for each other’s campaigns.

“If you like me, you’ll like her too,” Leventhal said to the group, emphasizing how the two see eye to eye on major issues that impact voters, such as school safety, traffic maintenance, and fiscal reform. The two thanked the volunteers for their time, talent, and grassroots support going into the 2020 election cycle. They then joined their volunteers to meet face to face with prospective voters, listen to their concerns, and hear their ideas for solutions.

Volunteers ready and excited to support June Cutter and Joe Leventhal

Both candidates have been endorsed by the Republican Party of San Diego County, as well as many noteworthy groups across the county. June Cutter also brought a group of her own to the walk called “Moms For June,” which is a community of moms who wants Sacramento to put children above special interests and see tangible change in California’s politics through local family involvement.

It’s a breath of fresh air to see local politicians make real connections with the citizens they hope to serve. Grassroots campaigns are few and far between, but when they do pop up, voters can rest assured that the candidates in question are truly by and for the people.