The Failures of Governor Newsom Creating Momentum for Republicans

Written by Thomas Geiser

Governor Gavin Newsom has failed the people of California. This shouldn’t be news to anyone, as he promised great change and he had the Democratic supermajority to push through partisan policies, but he has consistently failed to make a dent in California’s largest problems.

This alone speaks volumes about the flawed and untenable Democratic programs that they have tried to implement to solve problems such as homelessness, housing costs, and education. California Republican Party Chairwoman Jessica Millan Patterson explained in a recent article, “Gov. Newsom has had a full year, and a supermajority of Democrats in the Legislature. And yet with this power and ability to fix California’s pressing problems, I must give Gov. Newsom a solid F for his first year in office.” Governor Newsom is more concerned with his image and his future political career than actually solving California’s problems and it reflects in his work.

On Newsom’s watch, the homeless population increased by 21,306 people in 2019—more than every other state combined. He has done nothing to solve the problem of increasing housing costs, instead preferring to build expensive sports arenas. He has been quietly reallocating gas tax money from fixing infrastructure towards other political goals. The reason we pay such high gas taxes in California is to keep our roads well maintained, not to pay for one of Governor Newsom’s other ill-conceived projects.

California also has some of the poorest public education in the country, but Governor Newsom is so deep in the pocket of the teachers’ unions that he refuses to make any meaningful changes. These are but a few examples of how he has failed the state of California even with the overwhelming support of his own party. The governor’s office should be filled by a person who wants to fix California’s problems and actually has the ability to do so. Governor Newsom talks a big game but lacks the acumen and ability to follow through on his promises.

However, his failure has presented an opportunity for the California Republicans to go on the offensive. Now is the time for action, and a strong push against Governor Newsom and his ineffective policies is necessary. With escalating problems such as homelessness, lack of government transparency, and the condition of the public education system, the Republican platform may have more appeal than it has in years.

People do not want to hear meaningless talk from the Democrats, they want politicians with a realistic plan and who can be counted on. Governor Newsom and the rest of the California Democrats have given California Republicans a chance—and now we must strike while the iron is hot.