Ill-Advised E-Scooter Ban Forces Innovative Companies to Abandon San Diego

San Diego – Lime, a startup e-scooter company that provides environmentally friendly last-mile mobility options to San Diego residents has made the decision to pull its operations out of the San Diego market. This decision came swiftly after an over-reaching boardwalk ban was approved by the City Council weeks ago.

This decision not only tarnishes San Diego’s reputation as an innovation hub for start-ups and new technologies, the decision will also make it much more difficult for the city to reach its ambitious Climate Action Plan goals.

“Members of the City Council need to make a decision. Either we pursue our goals in the Climate Action Plan by embracing new and clean technology or we stifle these innovations and revise our Plan to less ambitious objectives. You cannot have both,” said Councilmember Sherman.

Before the ban, the City Council passed common sense e-scooter regulations just six months ago. Initial data showed that safety had drastically improved along the boardwalk. Unfortunately, some Councilmembers were more interested in appeasing a small vocal minority of constituents instead of allowing the successful regulations to continue working.

“Those who speak warmly of innovation while at the same time knee-capping innovative startups are being hypocritical,” said Sherman. “San Diego leaders need to decide once and for all if we want to be a cutting edge innovative city that embraces new technology or a city that merely tries to ban the future.”