Corrupt Labor Unions Desperately Trying to Defeat County Supervisor Kristin Gaspar

Though every local election is important to San Diego’s political makeup, the San Diego County Supervisors District 3 race is perhaps the most important of them all. Apart from two County Supervisors being termed out, County Supervisor Kristin Gaspar is up for reelection. Her seat is more than highly coveted—if one of the Democratic candidates beats her, then Democrats will be all but guaranteed to gain the majority.

San Diego’s labor unions—SEIU, to be precise—are more than aware of this opportunity and have begun pumping funds into the race in support of the Democrats running against Gaspar, using their dues to launch huge fundraising initiatives without any regard for where their members would prefer to see their fees going. 

To be clear, they’ve been doing this for years. Under the guise of supporting working-class San Diegans, labor unions have covertly allied with Democrats in order to gain more prowess and push forward their own agendas.

Their goal? To create more project-labor agreements and strip non-union private contractors of their hard-earned jobs and contracts with local governments. Gaspar—a pro-employee business owner who has had her own conflicts with labor unions—knows that it’s exactly why they’re going after her seat.

“We can’t give up. We need to step in, fight back… make certain that leaders [serve the people, and] are making the political decisions in this county, not the labor unions.” stated Gaspar in an interview with KUSI.

It’s up to District 3 to continue to see through the guise of labor unions and work towards creating a better future for all workers with the leadership of Kristin Gaspar. They’ve avoided playing into the hands of labor unions in the past, and need to do so again this year. Now, more than ever, we’re relying on the integrity of our citizens to do what’s right for District 3 and all of San Diego County—and that’s re-electing Kristin Gaspar.


Photo by Daniel Huizinga via Flickr