Congressman Duncan Hunter Officially Resigns

Governor Gavin Newsom 1303 10th Street, Suite 1173

Sacramento, CA 95814

Dear Governor Newsom,

I write to inform you of my resignation, effective close of business on January 13, 2020, as United States Representative for the 50th District of California. Attached is a copy of the letter I submitted to the Speaker of the House.

Since the day I joined the Marines in the aftermath of 9/11, I have had the honor of serving my country, both at home and abroad. After three tours of duty in Iraq and Afghanistan, I was elected to the House and brought with me the lessons I learned during my service in the Marine Corps and the values instilled by my father who held this seat before me. Growing up in East County San Diego, I learned from an early age the importance of liberty, the value of patriotism, and what a strong and secure border can bring to a community.

During my time in Congress, I had the privilege of helping thousands of individuals in my district-from making sure veterans received the benefits they earned, to helping Social Security and Medicare recipients cut through red tape, to assisting immigrants seeking legal citizenship, and countless others going up against the IRS, ATF or other government agencies.

I also sought to enact policies that will make our country better off. As Chairman of the Early Childhood, Elementary and Secondary Education Subcommittee, I worked to enhance student outcomes and empower parents with greater choice in where they send their children to school. I was also a strong advocate for college transparency and introduced the Student Right to Know Before You Go Act, which would give parents and students a better understanding of college costs and possible outcomes.

As Chairman of the Coast Guard and Maritime Transportation Subcommittee, I worked to protect the Jones Act and ensure that our country has a strong maritime industrial base, including a skilled pool of American shipyard workers and mariners that would form the backbone of our response to any maritime conflict. I pushed the Coast Guard to act like the military service that it is, and made it a priority to modernize our nation’s ice breaker fleet, which is critical for our nation’s continued access to the artic.

Perhaps the contribution I am most proud of is giving a voice to our men and women in uniform. As a Member of the House Armed Services Committee, I brought attention to inefficient military programs and worked to make sure our war fighters had the resources they needed to carry out their mission. I helped shine light on a broken military awards process that failed to recognize true heroism, and I fought for warriors like Clint Lorance, Eddie Gallagher and Matt Golsteyn that were treated unjustly by an abusive military justice system. I will always be proud to stand with the men and women who protect our freedoms.

It has been an honor to serve the people of California’s 50th District, and I greatly appreciate the trust they have put in me over these last 11 years.


Duncan Hunter

Member of Congress

The Honorable Nancy Pelosi Speaker of the House Washington, DC 20500

Dear Madame Speaker,

I write to inform you of my resignation, effective close of business on January 13, 2020, as United States Representative for the 50th District of California. Attached is a copy of the letter I submitted to the Governor of California.

Since the day I joined the Marines in the aftermath of 9/11, I have had the honor of serving my country, both at home and abroad. After three tours of duty in Iraq and Afghanistan, I was elected to the House and brought with me the lessons I learned during my service in the Marine Corps and the values instilled by my father who held this seat before me. Growing up in East County San Diego, I learned from an early age the importance of liberty, the value of patriotism, and what a strong and secure border can bring to a community.

During my time in Congress, I had the privilege of helping thousands of individuals in my district-from making sure veterans received the benefits they earned, to helping Social Security and Medicare recipients cut through red tape, to assisting immigrants seeking legal citizenship, and countless others going up against the IRS, ATF or other government agencies.

I also sought to enact policies that will make our country better off. As Chairman of the Early Childhood, Elementary and Secondary Education Subcommittee, I worked to enhance student outcomes and empower parents with greater choice in where they send their children to school. I was also a strong advocate for college transparency and introduced the Student Right to Know Before You Go Act, which would give parents and students a better understanding of college costs and possible outcomes.

As Chairman of the Coast Guard and Maritime Transportation Subcommittee, I worked to protect the Jones Act and ensure that our country has a strong maritime industrial base, including a skilled pool of American shipyard workers and mariners that would form the backbone of our response to any maritime conflict. I pushed the Coast Guard to act like the military service that it is, and made it a priority to modernize our nation’s ice breaker fleet, which is critical for our nation’s continued access to the artic.

Perhaps the contribution I am most proud of is giving a voice to our men and women in uniform. As a Member of the House Armed Services Committee, I brought attention to inefficient military programs and worked to make sure our war fighters had the resources they needed to carry out their mission. I helped shine light on a broken military awards process that failed to recognize true heroism, and I fought for warriors like Clint Lorance, Eddie Gallagher and Matt Golsteyn that were treated unjustly by an abusive military justice system. I will always be proud to stand with the men and women who protect our freedoms.

It has been an·honor to serve the people of California’s 50th District, and I greatly appreciate the trust they have put in me over these last 11 years.


Duncan Hunter

Member of Congress

Cc: The Honorable Kevin McCarthy