Rep. Susan Davis Reveals Her Priorities by Attacking President Trump for Killing Another Terrorist

For much of last week, talk of World War III completely consumed social media. From Twitter to Instagram to Facebook, the response hit every single part of the American psyche—from nihilistic jokes to national panic.

The average American was undoubtedly plagued with questions, the most pressing of all being “Why?” For those who don’t follow the news religiously, talk like this seems to come out of absolutely nowhere, which—in a sense—it does.

The U.S. recently killed one of the most dangerous and active terrorists in the world, Iranian general Qasem Soleimani, in a drone strike. It’s clear that this is a huge win for Americans, our soldiers, and those who fight for liberty and democracy across the globe, but it isn’t quite being portrayed as that. Many people, such as Rep. Susan Davis (D-CA) of the House Armed Service Committee, claim that such an action dangerously escalates tensions in the Middle East.

Davis, the representative for District 53 in central San Diego County, stated that she sees the Trump administration’s justification for this righteous action as “unclear,” and slammed President Trump for unnecessarily escalating “dangerous” tensions.

It’s a pattern all too common in today’s media. Davis is making Soleimani’s death about Trump, disregarding the fact that the former was responsible for hundreds of American deaths and thousands of others across the Middle East. The media held no concern over escalation after Osama bin Laden was killed under former President Barack Obama’s orders, but because Trump’s moniker is attached to the action, Democrats feel the need to redirect it to fuel their hateful narrative.