USMCA will Benefit San Diego’s Economy and Environment—Thanks to Leadership from Local Republicans

As of last Tuesday, $300 million dollars was allocated to the Border Water Infrastructure Program as a result of the recent trade agreement between the United States, Mexico, and Canada, known as the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA). The program is committed to resolving pollution—such as the massive amounts of raw sewage, metals, and other toxins—that consistently affects the Tijuana and San Diego region.

The provision with regard to pollution was a new addition given the current trade deal of NAFTA failed to include any environmental provisions. Consequently, within the last three years, San Diego beaches had been shut down for a total of 500 days because of the pollution and lack of proscribed aid from NAFTA. While the specific amount allotted to San Diego is still in question, the sheer allocation is a major victory for San Diego.

Local Republicans such as San Diego County Supervisor Greg Cox, San Diego Mayor Kevin Faulconer, and Coronado Mayor Richard Bailey were fundamental in ensuring the substantial allocation to San Diego. For example, Mayor Bailey flew out to Washington D.C. multiple times to make sure the plan came to fruition. The local Republicans were proactive about fixing the pollution issue and delivered on an agreement that would benefit the environment in San Diego and please our citizens.

However, no Republican victory is complete without San Diego Democrats trying to take credit for the plan. Representatives Mike Levin, Scott Peters, Juan Vargas, and Susan Davis all attempted to take credit by referencing their failed legislation from July. Their plan to minimize pollution was too vague, time- consuming, and costly.

However, a nonsensical and incoherent plan from San Diego Democrats should come as no surprise at this point. Moreover, they have recently been channeling all of their energy into stalling the impeachment trial, completely neglecting the needs of their constituents while attempting to take credit for the Republican victory.

Today, the USMCA officially passed in the House of Representatives with a 385-41 vote and will most likely pass the Senate and be signed into law by President Trump, who has been the catalyst for the entire trade agreement from the beginning. The pollution issue that has been constantly plaguing the Tijuana to San Diego region will now be resolved and U.S. trade relations with our neighbors will be improved thanks to the efforts and determination of local Republicans.